Love God...

Love God...

Monday, March 17, 2014

Lent @ St Paul's

Life in the Beloved

Lent as a season of contrition, conversion, and change cannot hold its own unless it is understood in its proper place – Between the Incarnation of Love in the nativity of the Holy Child, our Lord Jesus, and the Triumph of Love in the Resurrection of the Holy One, our Lord Jesus and Christ. 

As the writer of the letter of John affirms, love consists not in that we loved God, but that God loved us first (cf. 1 John 1:19) and, that such love is not grounded in personal holiness or in human achievement, but in grace and mercy, for “while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). Love always prevails when everything else fails.

"Your real life is hidden with Christ in God"

(Colossians 3:3)

Our 2014 Lent Program has been designed to help us re-discover and re-affirm whom we are – God’s beloved children – and to whom we belong – He who made us, the handy-work of his own loving hands. For “in order to fully realize who we are, we need to remember to whom we belong” (The Rt. Rev. Pierre W. Whalon, Bishop in Europe). 

Borrowing from materials produced by The Society of St John the Evangelist, (SSJE, “The Cowley Fathers”) all through the Sundays in Lent we will explore Gospel themes such as Revelation, Invitation, Participation, Collaboration, and Vocation. Please come and join us in as fellow travelers in a spiritual journey of discovery, affirmation, learning, and renewal.  


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