Love God...

Love God...

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Come and Worship...

Some thoughts on The Feast of the Presentation of the Lord Jesus --

Come and worship. Come as you are. Do not come as you wish you were. And once you come to Church, allow God to surprise you with his everlasting grace and love. You do not need to be rich to come to church. You do not need to be holy to come to church. God will enrich your life whenever you receive the Sacrament of his Life, Death, and Resurrection. Your soul will be transformed not by the power of preaching – as good as it may be – or any particular expression of the Christian faith, for God is not Baptist or Episcopal or Roman Catholic. You will be transformed by the power of Holy Spirit working in you and through you. However, like Joseph and Mary, and Simeon and Anna – rather than clinching to that that is familiar and known, rather than holding to the past just because it is old – allow yourself to hold on to the future, secure in God’s loving hands. 

Fr Gustavo

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