Love God...

Love God...

Friday, February 14, 2014

Please welcome our new Vestry!

In our Episcopal polity, churches become "congregational" once every year, during the Annual Meeting. That is to say, all members registered in the Parish Register have voice and vote on any and all of the issues presented to them. One of the most important tasks of the congregation during the Annual Meeting is to elect members of the Vestry. After the Annual Meeting is adjourned, the Parish reverts to a synodical form of government -- the (Interim) Rector and elected members, ordained and lay persons, -- the Vestry and the (Interim) Rector -- become the canonical authority of the Church. Their ministries -- for, indeed, it is a true spiritual ministry -- is the administration of the fabric and the spiritual life of the congregation, and to provide spiritual and temporal leadership for the Parish.

In general terms, members of the Vestry are more akin to deputies than representatives, for they are entitled to vote and voice their conscience rather than to follow any particular mandate from those who elected them. Of course, it is wise and appropriate for Vestry members to check with the congregation about issues presented to them during the regular vestry meetings. But vestry members are free to voice and act their conscience, rather than following suggestions from the congregation.

If any registered member of the congregation were to feel that his or her views are not being heard by the Vestry, congregants are encouraged to contact the Wardens. But, again, it is important to stress that even if the Wardens relay any particular concern to the Vestry, the Vestry always has the right and responsibility to voice and act their own conscience. Of course, congregants always have the choice to run for the Vestry during the next election. But, as in any democratic institution, members are not elected to the Vestry to impose their particular views on others, but to act as a body keeping in mind the welfare of the Parish and, most relevantly, to work for the unity of the Church and the extension of the Kingdom of God.

Except for personnel issues and other very specific matters, Vestry minutes are public and any registered member of the Church may attend a meeting, but without seat, voice, and/or vote.

Please welcome our new Vestry:

Ms. Blanche Eastman, Sr. Warden,
Ms. Caroline Kruger, Jr. Warden,
Ms. Christine King, Register,
Ms. Andia King, Mr. Henry Hallie, Members,
Mr. Gregory King, Treasurer.

Mr Abraham Jallah was elected as St Paul's alternate representative to the Region VIII council, where our own Christine King serves as our representative and as Region VIII president.

Our sisters and brothers were elected at our Annual Meeting on Feb 2, 2014, and were sworn in and installed during the Visitation of our Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Ted Gulick, on Feb. 9, 2014.

Please pray for them, and thank God for their willingness to serve.

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